Sardar 8

Sardarji Jokes 8

1.Q:- Why does Sardar always smile during lightning storms?
A:- They think their picture is being taken.

2.Four guys
1 from Harward:
1 Oxford
1 Texas
a Sardar from Pujab university

1 common question:
What is the fastest thing in world?

Texas:Blink of an eye
Sardar:It’s loose motions,
because last night I was lying in my bed
& before I could blink,think or turn on the lights,
it was over!

3.Teacher to Sardar: What is Number “Seven” , Even or Odd
Sardar: Even
Teacher: How can you make seven even?
Sardar:Remove the ‘S’!!

4.Sardar made a call to the airport.
Asked,”How long is the journey from Punjab to America?”
Receiptionist: “One second sir….”.
Sardar: Ok, thank you..!!!

5.A sardar ji pulled out 6 people from a burning house…
still he was in jail…….why?
coz all the 6 were fire brigade staff !

6.A Sardar looking at sky asks another Sardar :
Is that a sun or moon?

Other Sardar replies :
Oye ! No idea…Im new to this city..

7.Sardarji was asked,
what is a adult joke?

Reply came
any joke which is eighteen years old.

8.Do U know why a sardar ji kept
the door open while taking a bath?

Because he was scared that someone
might see through the “KEY HOLE”.

9.Dear Sir,
My wife is ill.
As there is no other Husband
in the family to look after her,
Kindly grant me leave for one day.

10.Teacher : What a pair of strange socks you are wearing,
one is green and one is blue with red spots!

Sardar ji: Yes it’s really strange.
I’ve got another pair of the same at home.